I am pleased to welcome you on our website. SIASTE was started with a highly ambitious and revolutionary project capabling of face-lifting ground situation existing in one school education system and starting point of any reforming agenda in education basically starts with the teacher. Although four year integrated program in teacher education is a prevailed idea that has been implemented by NCERT through its Regional Institutes of Education,yet Haryana is the only state in the country where state government started its own institute for running this course. I am delighted to share that central government has announced to universalize the four year course throughout the country. In a way this is an approval reinforcement of the idea for state government. The program being run at Prarambh has not only a sound theoretical basis but it has robust schedule of practical experiences being imparted to pupil-teachers so that they may come out with a professional outlook and equip with necessary pedagogical skills.I am confident that Prarambh will translate its vision into action and come up as a centre of excellence for teacher education.
Dr. Rishi Goel