State Institute of Advanced Studies in Teacher Education (SIASTE) have been established by Government of Haryana as a first of its kind initiative by any of the state government in country with the aim to ring the phenomenal improvement in quality of school education by creating teacher equipped with 21st century skills. Initially, SIASTE was established in Jhajjar in 2013 with affiliation of Maharishi Dayanand University Rohtak. In 2021 the Government of Haryana, took a major step towards orienting the teacher education programme in the state in tune to NEP-2020 by establishing SIASTE Gurugram and SIASTE Kurukshetra with affiliation of Gurugram University Gurugram and Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra respectively to run B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc.B.Ed. (Four Year Integrated Programme) with intake of 100 in each institute. + Read more